【企業培訓】|公司TeamBuilding活動|PNL Training 樂歷培訓


Dodgeball comes from the Japanese name Dodgebee, which is a combination of DodgeBall + Frisbee. Dodgeball is both a mental and physical sport. Through different game exercises, the team can quickly improve communication and understanding between staff and enhance the efficiency of teamwork.

Key Training Items:

  • Co-ordination skills
  • Performing the functions of each individual
  • Quick and precise decision making
  • Responsiveness
  • Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of team members and assigning roles appropriately
Stimulation3.5 stars
Technical Requirements2 stars
Cooperative3 stars
Physical requirements3 stars
Strategic3 stars

Team topics available:

Division of labour, use of strategy, building trust, crisis management, goal setting, solidarity


Duration: from 2 hours

Number of people: 12 – 60

Languages: Cantonese / Putonghua / English

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