【企業培訓】|公司TeamBuilding活動|PNL Training 樂歷培訓

Foot Darts

A few meters away from a large target, players place several balls on the ground and kick them in order to make them stick to the target. This is a test of not only the player’s footwork but also of the tacit understanding between the players.

Key Training Items:

  • Understanding the importance of teamwork
  • Valuing the division of labour
  • Team cohesion
  • Building team spirit
  • Promoting team spirit
Stimulation2 stars
Technical Requirements4 stars
Cooperative4 stars
Physical requirements3 stars
Strategic2 stars

Team topics available.

Division of labour, solidarity, goal setting, problem solving tests, mutual understanding, communication skills, presentation skills

Duration: from 2 hours

Number of people: 12-30

Languages: Cantonese / Putonghua / English

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